Friday, March 21, 2014

[GET] Silva Home Study Courses Downloads, develop ESP and Mind Control

Watch this 2-minute video to see what the new science of psychorientology has learned about why some people are so much luckier than others

Exclusive home study course features the original Silva Mind Control Method with lectures by Jose Silva himself

Jose Silva, the founder of The Silva Method, is a man I have admired for a long time. I have used The Silva Method of visualization for many years. It has helped me overcome illnesses and accidents and avoid surgery. I urge you to attend Silva training sessions. -Wayne W. Dyer, author of Real Magic

"The most important technique I learned in The Silva Method was creative visualization… I found that it was amazingly effective." -Shakti Gawain, author of Creative Visualization

"If you can count, you can count on the Silva Sales Power Method to skyrocket your sales. This teaches how to sell your way through the top. Learn to enjoy success, achievement and all the benefits of the good life like time, money and lifestyle freedom while selling yourself by Silva’s ideas."

me a tool to use in teaching the patient how to begin the interaction and how to become involved in his own health process. I would say that it is the most powerful single tool that I have to offer.

"I love it, fantastic, a much needed book to make you become the World’s Greatest Anything." -Joe Girard, number one automobile and truck sales person in the world and author of How to Sell Anything to Anybody

Danielle Kennedy, Author of Selling-The Danielle Kennedy Way, says about Jose Silvas Sales Power book, Buy the book and do what it says."

Something seems to be happening, I am not sure what, but luck seems to be improving and the daily worries don’t seem to be getting to me, such as under staffing and problems with interactions between staff and patients. Even had the comment that I looked happier than I had in a long time. Headaches are almost gone, too. I am rapidly getting sold on the UltraMind system as you can probably tell. One other thing that I have noticed is that I seem to have more endurance than I have had since the accident 2 years ago. I do contribute that to the System. The brain power seems to be back to normal. As always, feel free to use any comments and I will be glad to field any questions and give the highest recommendations to the Silva UltraMind System. Like I said, I don’t know HOW it works, but it does.

Before ordering downloads, please download a free audio recording by Ed Bernd Jr. titled The Value of ESP to make sure that you can download the files to your hard drive before you purchase any downloads.

If you have problems, please refer to Download Help for information. This download is free, you won’t be charged anything, and there is no obligation. Thank you.

Click on the Play button to hear a brief sample of the Silva Centering Exercise that is used in all of our courses

"Creative visualization is really what’s behind the Silva Method; that is, whatever you can visualize, you can actualize," explains Richard Bach, author of Jonathan Livingston Seagull. -Bazaar

"…the Silva Method is a practical thing: It can be used for business, health, education, for better family understanding…" -Playboy

"Silva Method graduates told me they were able to relax, lose weight, quit smoking, find love, and achieve goals that had been eluding them for years. -Family Circle

"Sales Power is full of stories about people in sales who learn to tap more of their mental power while doing the tasks of selling, to achieve dramatic success. One technique, ‘going to alpha,’ involves deliberately slowing down your brain waves. Other exercises are aimed at activating your left and right hemispheres. The more effective you are, the more likely your prospect is to take action." -Srikumar Rao, in Success Magazine, May 1992

"Long known as a million dollar insurance salesman in Pawtucket, Mr. Storin said that he and three others in his office who have gone into the Silva Method undertook a test period. One of the four decided not to use it, but Mr. Storin and the other two who did, he said, have increased production for the whole staff by 490 percent." -The Pawtucket Times

Are you in sales? Do you sell a product or service? Do you need to improve your powers of persuasion? Check out the Silva Mind Sales Power

Why do a few fortunate people seem to have "all the luck" while everyone else struggles so?

The secret is in how they use their mind, and now, thanks to Jose Silva’s trailblazing research, you can learn to actually use the untapped power of your mind to help you:

Regain and maintain excellent health and have the strength and energy you need to fulfill your life’s purpose

Millions of people worldwide have changed their lives for the better with The Silva Method, and you can too. Start right now with the leaders in this field since 1944.

What is intuition? Are you a natural psychic and don’t know it? Have you ever just thought of somebody and the phone rings and it’s the same person? Or you say something at exactly the same time as a friend says it or thinks it! This is your own natural intuition. Now you can easily and quickly develop your ESP to help you make better decisions about health, relationships, business… more…

Einstein claimed that he used only 10% of his mind, and the general public uses only about 3% or 4%. And that’s what Jose Silva’s unique Mind Training Systems are all about: learning to use more of your mind. There is no limit to how far you can go; there is no limit to what you can do, because there is no limit to the power of your mind. more…

Are you willing to be the…

Silva Home Study Courses Downloads, develop ESP and Mind Control

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