Saturday, June 28, 2014

Money Smart Teens - Raising Money Smart Kids - Money Smart Teens - Money Management for Teens - Teens and Money - Money Smart Kids Download

Ideas, Frases y Ejercicios para el Guitarrista ModernoClick HERE To DownloadIf you ever wondered if your teenager would learn how to handle money you can’t afford to miss this…

Breaking News: Teenager buys laptop computer with his own money. He didn’t borrow a dime from his parents!

Do you have a teen that believes money grows on trees? Do they always want to "borrow a $20"? Do they buy things they don’t need?

It seems like they always want more and they want you to pay for it, right? None of this means they are a "bad" apple, it simply means they are a teenager.

I built my financial practice by only focusing on two areas. I was like a laser. I studied everything I could get my hands on when it came to retirement planning strategies and teaching teens the power of money.

This hard work paid off and by age 31, I was a Regional Vice President with a subsidary of a Fortune 100 company. I was responsible for training and educating over 1,500 financial advisors and Registered Investment Advisors on retirement planning strategies and teaching teens about money.

But all that’s really important to you is for over the last 5 years I have been conducting how-to financial workshops teaching teens everything about money.

During my courses and workshops I’ve heard it all… countless stories from frustrated parents about their teens running through money.

You realized long ago that there’s no “magic bullet”. No single secret that would instantly teach your teenager about money and how to handle money. But you keep looking knowing deep in your heart how vital this subject is to them and their future success.

1 out of 3 high school seniors use credit cards. 50% of these students have credit cards in their own name.

You have to work a full-time job, chauffer the kids, pay the bills and manage every other distraction that fills up your day! Teaching your teen about the power of money is the last thing on your mind.

If your teenager doesn’t learn the proven money strategies from you who will they learn it from?

By now you may be saying to yourself, “I barely have the time in the day to balance my check book…how can I teach my teen about money”.

Follow A Simple and Proven, Step-by-Step Guide That Will Teach Your Teen How to Handle Money!

I have put together the most powerful strategies available for teens to learn the power of money fast and easy. Over the past year, I have spent over 1,000 hours burning the candle at both ends.

I compiled all of the best information and worked with a specially selected focus group consisting of parents and their teens.

Every step of the way, I received feedback on what to include and not to include in this complete step-by-step eight week course. This step-by-step course is packed with vital money information for teens.

This means it has been read by over a dozen teens and their parents and they give it their sign off. This means, best of all it is “Teen Approved”.

I put my system to the test! I asked one of my clients who did not participant in my focus group to test my system. I needed a test case to prove this information really worked and his 15-year old son needed to stop borrowing money.

Together, we put together a little experiment. After going through my system he and his son set up a goal. The goal was simple…buy a lap top computer. His teen always wanted a laptop and his son thought his dad would buy it for him. After 4 short months of following my system his son bought his own lap top computer without borrowing a single penny from his dad. He did it all on his own!

In fact, my client is so happy with my system he is now teaching his nieces and nephews the easy strategies in my book.

My system is much more than simply budgeting and goal setting. It is an in-depth system for teens to learn money management skills and the tools necessary to succeed. Here are only things they will learn…

How to Comparison Shop. This valuable skill prevents impulse buying and purchasing unnecessary stuff online and offline.

How to Create a Personal Budget. They will learn how to squeeze every penny from their allowance. (They’ll even receive several simple-n-easy sample forms to help them get started!)

How to Set Realistic Financial and Personal Goals. Believe it or not…all teens have goals. They just need help deciding which ones are more beneficial to them. This section will help them.

How to Stay Safe on the Internet While Researching Money-Related Topics. Your teenager will learn "tips" how to be safe online while researching the subject of money.

How Different Investments Work. This is a very targeted section that easily explains how investments really work.

How Asset Allocation Works. They will learn how different asset classes (cash, stocks bond, etc.) work together to for a lifetime of financial success.

How to Escape the Lure of Credit Card Debt. Your teenager will learn smart strategies to avoid getting caught up in easy credit.

How to Completely Eliminate Credit Card Debt. They will learn the fastest and simplest way to pay off any outstanding credit card debt. They will learn a strategy I call – The Debt Elimination Pyramid

Not only has it helped my son, I even learned a thing or two. :-) Thank you for including us in your focus groups.

"I have been trying to teach my 15 year old daughter how to budget her money without any luck for 2 years. After she completed your course, she now uses a budget. She is also saving her allowance, which is a first. Thanks"

"My 15 year old son just opened his first brokerage account. I am so…

Money Smart Teens - Raising Money Smart Kids - Money Smart Teens - Money Management for Teens - Teens and Money - Money Smart Kids

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