Friday, June 27, 2014

Sex Secrets That Have To Be EXPERIENCED To Be Believed Download

If you’re a man who has ever had a bad sexual experience, had a woman leave him for another man, and find yourself stck in a boring, sex-less relationship, then this may be the most important message you ever read!

I’m about to reveal something to you that you’re not going to believe. But know this: It’s all TRUE…

FACT #1: 60% of Married Women will cheat on their husbands, and more disturbingly, the will feel absolutely NO GUILT about it whatsoever because they feel entitled to the good feelings sex with another man will give them.

FACT #2: A whopping 90% of women will LIE to their lover about experiencing orgasms during lovemaking to spare their lover’s feelings. However, these same women are more prone to have affairs outside their relationship to be sexually satisfied and break their lover’s heart in the process.

FACT #3: 70% of men report that after being married, sex with their wives goes down dramatically and sometimes even stops completely. This is usually because sex becomes "boring" or "routine" for the woman, and the man doesn’t know how to re-kindle that flame with his same bog-of-tricks in bed.

Fact #4: 85% of relationships end because the woman is sexually unsatisfied with her partner and is looking for a man who can fullfill her needs in the bedroom. What’s more, most men will never know this, and continue to suffer one break-up after another because they don’t bother to improve their sexual prowess.

It’s important to men, but even more so, it’s important to women too!

There is a big myth in this world that women don’t enjoy sex as much as men do. That is a FLAT OUT LIE! In most cases, women enjoy sex even MORE than men do!

But that myth exists because: 75% of men don’t know how to give women orgasms!!!!

Too often, men will chaulk up their failures with women to issues they have no control over. Things like penis size, premature ejaculation, looks, build, money — whatever.

The only thing that matters is your ability to give a woman not just one, but MULTIPLE orgasms in bed! (more on this later)

Right now, there are approximately 16,222,181 people in the world with full blown AIDS!

On a worldwide basis, most of these people did not become HIV Positive because they were drug addicts sharing needles… or… because they received it in a blood transfusion… or… because they were having gay sex.

Believe it or not, 81% of worldwide cases of HIV and AIDS are caused by the simple act of a straight man having sex with a straight woman.

That’s why, if you are in a monogamous relationship or if you are married, it is more important than ever NOT to go outside your relationship for sex!

Can you guess the biggest reason people cheat on their partners or commit adultery? It’s very simple…

It’s Because They Are Bored With The Sex Life They Have At Home! Let’s face reality here: If you can’t give a woman what she wants, she will go someplace (and to someone) else to get it. And while she’s sneaking around behind your back trying desperately to get a simple little orgasm, she will be EXPOSING YOU to the possibility of contracting an STD.

You know, when they showed you those cheesy videos about the birds and the bees?

Let me refresh your memory: Teenage pregnancy. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Ruining your life by having sex. Common questions and insecurities about sex.

Most of these teachings are meant to SCARE YOU into not having sex!!!

In fact, most of society tries to hide any knowledge about sex from you!

Sex has become the biggest Taboo in the world. Think about it… how often are men chastised for wanting to have sex with a woman? For thinking about sex…

Sex Secrets That Have To Be EXPERIENCED To Be Believed

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