Thursday, June 5, 2014

Sales Page CB - Triple X Archery Conditioning Download

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Discover The Secrets Of The Triple X Archery Conditioning System from Tim Goodwin International Archer and Fitness Professional

Just click the button below and that’ll take you to our payment processor for you to complete your payment.

8 Weeks Of Training Highly effective training programs with minimum equipment requirements, all possible from the comfort of your front room.

Complete Video Explanations  Every movement for every exercise explained in full so you are never in doubt of what to do.

Tailored Training System A unique system of self assessment to identify key areas of weakness, making it possible to tailor your training specifically to YOU

Downloadable Documents So you know exactly what to do away from the computer, we’ve included printable workout sheets you can take with you anywhere.

Additional Resources Including a nutrition program to work with your training programs, as well as a unique journalling tool to keep a record of your progress through your training.

Former International Archer and Fitness Professional, Tim Goodwin, has been a leader in the fitness industry for the past 8 years. Tim originally created the Triple X system in 2009, aimed at the sporting archer wanting to improve their shooting performance without having to invest more in equipment of archery coaches.

Whilst archery is not always seen as an athletic sport in the same way as football or mountain biking, the demands of shooting at a consistently high level still require strong fitness levels, so Tim developed his own system of physical training to compliment his archery practice in preparation for important tournaments.

With advances in online technology, it is now possible to deliver training programs immediately to your computer without having to wait for the DVD or other training materials to land on your doorstep. Tim has adapted the materials for online delivery for this latest version of Triple X Archery Conditioning.

Just click the button below and that’ll take you to our payment processor for you to complete your payment.

You have to stick with the program – the whole program. It’s a big investment in terms of commitment. The planning guide really helps. The money looks a lot, but frankly, if I was advising an archer with 100 quid to spare and a burning desire to win, I would recommend the programme waaaaay over those shiney new matching stabs. It’s amazing how many archers choose the latter. But why should I care? Their loss, in every sense.

As soon as you’ve made your investment, you’ll be directed to a sign up page to create an account on our secure private, members only area where all the content for the program is found.

The program is delivered in the form of videos and downloadable documents, cheat sheets and electronic books. All documents can be easily printed if necessary.

You’ll need very little equipment on this program, we utilise mostly bodyweight exercises and exercises that can be performed with inexpensive equipment such as medicine balls, a stability ball, dumbbells and resistance bands.

Beginner to Intermediate exercisers will get the most from this training program. If you’ve not done specific training for archery before then this will be a great starting point for you… If you’ve not trained for a while then this will be ideal to get you started again.

Tim recommends a handful of basic supplements to ALL his clients designed to promote health, these include a high quality greens drink, fish oil, glutamine and pro-biotic.

There are no thermogenic supplements or weird, funky supplements that can cause you problems for drug testing in a sporting event.

Unfortunately not. This product has previously been available on DVD, however the high cost of fulfilment meant that the investment of the program became prohibitive to many people. Your investment has been kept to a minimum by delivering the programs via the internet.

Previous versions of this program attracted many able bodied athletes as well as disabled archers. The program is primarily designed for standing archers, although many exercises used in the program can be adapted for seated based athletes too.

The suggestion is you ask a trained professional to help you adapt the program suitable to your disability.

 I Am On XYZ Medication/Have knee/back/elbow/wrist etc etc Problems will I Be Able To Do This Program?

You take full responsibility for your own health, and you ultimately decide if this program is right for you or not! We would always strongly suggest that you consult with a relevant health practitioner before participating in any nutrition or exercise intervention. If you find you can’t do the program for any reason, our 60 day full refund policy is there to protect your investment.

Absolutely! We’d much prefer to have this program in the hands of archers who will actually use it as intended, but accept that it may not be for everyone. Even if you don’t like the sound of Tim’s voice you can request a refund.

We can do everything in our power to encourage you to complete the training program in FULL… and doing so will result in better results than any other training program you’ve followed in the same time frame. However many people simply sign up for these types of program expecting magic to occur, weight to fall off them with out needing any action, and see miraculous changes in shooting performance without ever doing anything different.

Don’t be that person. When you register for Triple X, be the type of person that is not average, takes full 100% action and commits to the program IN FULL, and gets the spectacular results.

Just click the button below and that’ll take you to our payment processor for you to complete your payment.

Sales Page CB - Triple X Archery Conditioning

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