Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Why Take the LawFit Career Assessment? Download

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The best way to land a job is to have a few specific targets in mind and then go after those targets aggressively. The LawFit Career Assessment can help you select THE specific targets which are right for you. With the right targets confirmed, your job search becomes focused, deliberate and much more effective.

The best way to land a job is to have a few specific targets in mind and then go after those targets aggressively. The LawFit Career Assessment can help you select THE specific targets which are right for you. With the right targets confirmed, your job search becomes focused, deliberate and much more effective. If you have questions, email us.

“The results were incredibly accurate. It reminded me of aspects of my personality I haven’t considered in a long time. And even though I was confident I already knew what I wanted to do with my degree, it’s helped me get focused on developing an actual strategy, and plan of action, for successfully pursuing that line of work.

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Why Take the LawFit Career Assessment?

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