Wednesday, January 29, 2014

[GET] The Barefoot Beekeeper by P J Chandler

The author strips away all unnecessary complications and confusion, demonstrating that ‘modern’ beekeeping methods are largely to blame for the poor state of health of the honeybee and that the commercialization of beekeeping marked the start of the disease and parasite problems that honeybees have been trying to deal with ever since.

The author advocates small-scale, sustainable beekeeping, with minimal disturbance to the bees and more time spent observing and learning from them.

This book shows how you can make everything you need to keep bees yourself, using recycled materials and simple tools: you do not need to buy any additional equipment at all, nor do you need synthetic medications or other chemicals.

This is the companion volume to ‘How To Build a Top Bar Hive’, which is available as a free, downloadable supplement to The Barefoot Beekeeper.

The Barefoot Beekeeper by P J Chandler

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