The Personal Credit Repair Software, also known as The Personal Credit Builder, is based on our industry-standard-professional-version Credit Money Machine Net (click here to see the professional version of our credit repair software ). You want results. The biggest problem with other software is that everything has to be entered manually and therefore it is not only very time-consuming but also cumbersome and worst of all discouraging so the results are very limited. With our software, not only you get the same tools professionals use everyday to repair the credit of thousands of people, including professionally-designed templates to dispute all kind of items, but most importantly, the automation that you require to do all the boring-repetitive-work IN SECONDS NOT HOURS
When you use The Personal Credit Builder you can extract all the Disputes from many credit report providers like,,, and in seconds not hours like with other software. This not only includes the extraction of creditors, account numbers, amount and credit bureaus automatically but also the automatic suggestion of the correct description, letter to use and dispute type all of this with one click.
So you concentrate your efforts in actually repairing your credit and not spending hours in preparing to repair your credit.
IMPORTANT: if you are Mortgage Professional, Real Estate Agent or Financial professional and want to sell this software to your clients so they can repair their credit themselves (or use it to attract prospects) we have very special prices in quantities and also you can opt for a private label where you can sell our program with any name you like. Inquiry about these options by calling (954) 568-7153 or send an e-mail to Support @
Additionally, The Personal Credit Builder, has a full-fledge Loan Amortization Center to analyze all possible loans scenarios, a Budget Center to help you control your expenses, a Credit Card Analyzer that will suggest which credit card to pay first , a Personal Agenda to be in control of your all your due dates and tasks and finally a Knowledge Database already prepopulated with Credit Repair Information, the Law and related matters.
Self Credit Repair Software, a do-it-yourself credit repair program with integrated personal financial capabilities.
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