Hey guys, my name is Neill and I’m going to explain to you where you’ll be after learning the collected ideas, patterns and systems in Guitar Theory Revolution.
In brief, after just a short time reading the information and doing the exercises in Guitar Theory Revolution you’ll have made more progress than in all your years of aimless noodling and trying to piece together information from the internet, magazines DVDs and online videos.
Just take a moment to think about what you’ve achieved with all the ‘free’ resources out there? Has it helped you improve or are you more confused than ever? I say ‘free’ because it has in fact cost you time and effort as well as sapped your motivation to learn.
I can definitely help you because I understand where you are right now and what you need to do to get where you want to be.
I tried and failed to learn music theory several times when I first started playing guitar. I just couldn’t get my head around it, which is strange since I was able to understand maths, physics, philosophy you name it… hey, just want to let you know that I’m not stupid.
And neither are you. But that’s how many guitar players are made to feel by what I sometimes call ‘music theory snobs’.
The way some ‘teachers’ act it seems as if it’s the student’s fault if they can’t understand the material. Well it can be if the student lacks motivation. But I happen to know that most guitar players would love to master music theory.
I look at it in this way. If the students aren’t able to understand and learn then the teacher needs to switch things up and try a different approach until the students do.
It’s the teacher’s responsibility that the student learns. Unfortunately most people teaching music theory for the guitar are still stuck in old paradigms, often based around the piano, ideas that haven’t changed in decades.
Is it so crazy to try something different? I simply can’t believe that guitar players are inherently more stupid or lazy than other musicians.
It turns out I was right, there is a better way of doing things. Over the years I discovered a bunch of ‘secrets’ that totally blew my mind and changed the way I looked at the guitar.
Anyway, I don’t want to ramble on, I just wanted to let you know that I understand where a lot of you are. I’ve felt that frustration, like vital information was being hidden from me.
First you will be given access to the main GTR book which contains the systems, patterns, diagrams and exercises that will open your mind to a whole new way of understanding music theory for guitar players. It’s 107 pages of mind-blowing information that will forever change how you approach the guitar.
IF I worked out how much I should charge for these e-books and MP3s purely based on how much of my time you’re getting then it would come out at $200, as that’s how much I would have to charge to coach you as an individual to master these ideas and skills. (8 Hours x $25 per hour)
IF I charged for the amount of hours I put in to creating all the learning materials and designing the course… it would possibly be even more.
BUT my intention is to get this information out to as many people as possible while still covering my costs. I’ve managed to keep the price down to…
I’m one of those guys who picked up a guitar aged 11; loved the sounds; found trying to make sense of conventional music/guitar theory as helpful as finding a light switch in a total powercut !
“Thanks for these lessons, they are better than anything I’ve bought to educate myself and even better than justinguitar.com the theory side.”
I’ve been scrutinizing my fretboard for quite a few years now and this is one of the best ways to look at it.
Get this and go through it immediately. If after 10 minutes, you don’t feel you’ve already gotten your money’s worth…
I DEMAND you contact me… and I will return every penny of your purchase… quietly and promptly… No questions asked.
You only stand to gain by acting on this immediately… better still… this guarantee lasts a full 60 days. I’m giving you 2 months to try out Guitar Theory Revolution.
P.S. I know how frustrating it is to feel like essential secrets to progressing are being held from you. I can definitely help you move past those feelings to becoming a better guitar player who understands music theory.
Guitar Theory Revolution was designed to put the students first and after just a few lessons you’ll understand more about music theory than 90% of the guitar players out there. You’ll finally have some direction and be given information that you actually understand and can apply immediately.
P.P.S. Remember the 60 day money back guarantee on your purchase. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Yes Neill, I want to become a better guitar player and musician by finally understanding the real secrets to learning music theory for the guitar. I want to stop feeling confused and frustrated and stop being treated as if I’m stupid by so called teachers.
I understand that by acting today I will be entitled access to the Guitar Theory Revolution E-books, the MP3s and the Guitar Theory Revolution Newsletter. Plus any free exercises and resources that may be sent to me in the future.
It is on that basis that I am clicking the secure order button below and completing the order process this instant!
Guitar Theory Revolution
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