My name is Leigh Peele. I am a trainer, author, and layman researcher. I truly believe one of my purposes in life, narcissistic or not, is to help people help themselves. Writing Starve Mode was one of my greatest accomplishments. I wrote this book because it needed to be written. There is a sea of confusion that is clogging the minds and hearts of people in regards to metabolic behavior, weight loss, and "starvation." Confusion that is so aggressive, it can lead to eating disorders and severe physical and psychological distress. I want to be apart of stopping that confusion. Because of that, I wrote this book. I hope you enjoy it and it brings you the education you have deserved all along. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me.
Do you want the truth about hormones? This is your science-based hormone bible. Want to make sense out of nutrition and fitness research? You’ll get step-by-step coaching on how to find it, read it, make sense of it and become your own expert in the process. True to the style of Leigh’s entire body of work – her books, blogs and podcasts – Starve Mode is one-hundred percent objective and evidence-based, so you can trust that the information is accurate, or even go verify the data or investigate further yourself. You’ll learn enough science after one read to be the most informed person in your gym, or even in your entire town – that’s how deep the detail is.
I never had any real issues with my body. I never hated myself or engaged in stupid or destructive behavior. Simple problem, simple fix. After I turned 24, however, things in my personal life began to go south faster and faster. I developed a serious eating disorder. It never had anything to do with my looks as I was not overweight. It had everything to do with my desperate need to have absolute control over my life. All I wanted was to be left completely alone and hopefully one morning I simply wouldn’t wake up. At my lowest I weighed about 83 lbs. I joined the forum and began to repair. I hadn’t even gone for one day without hours of intense activity. So the idea of absolutely no activity seemed the most daunting I’d faced yet. For the first time in years, I feel sure of where I’m going. I’ve lost over 10 lbs so far and I’ve got about 15 more to go. It’s far from over, but at least now I see the light at the end of the tunnel.
She has done the research, knows what works and what doesn’t, and understands what her clients and customers want. She does not refute science and the energy balance like so many "gurus" out there, but knows there can by many roadblocks, both mental and physical, toward achieving the look that people want. Leigh has helped me put together a plan to restore my metabolic rate to an optimal level so that I can achieve the level of leanness I desire. Had I discovered her blog and site when I started my transformation over 3.5 years ago, I probably wouldn’t have drove myself into the ground for as long as I did and wasted a lot of time, effort, and energy.
Prior to contacting Leigh. I hated myself and I was unable to be honest with anyone about how terrible, vulnerable and confused I felt. Leigh was able to offer me practical advice but also explain how to ask myself, the right questions for my mind and my body. What I had been doing to myself, the way I was thinking about my body was not healthy or realistic. I am free (of disordered behavior) for about eight months. I am also eating between 2000 and 3000 calories per day and training moderately. My whole outlook towards my body has changed. I am settled in a loving relationship that would not have been possible without being healthy, and I understand so much more about my behavioral patterns towards my body and self esteem generally. Leigh never claimed to be anything more than a very well researched, experienced, critical thinker of a coach and for that I am forever in her debt. She is a wonderful example of professional excellence in her field.
I’ve been following Leigh for about 5 years now so the honeymoon period is well and truly over. Unusually, for me, I’ve actually grown to like her more and more as the years have gone by. Leigh offers something unique. She can be blunt at times, but it’s on a background of intense kindness that I haven’t experienced from anybody else in the fitness industry. She’s one of the few people who will actually research something before giving an opinion and you won’t find her following along with the latest fad just because it’s trendy. She’s hugely knowledgeable and is generous with that knowledge and with her own personal experience. There are many reasons that I continue to see her as one of the only people in the fitness industry that hasn’t disappointed me and that I continue to admire and respect. She knows fitness and fat loss better than pretty much anybody else, she’s kind and funny, she’s honest and she has integrity.
What I liked best is that it took the emotions out (as much as possible). Emotions keep me from losing weight, sabotage myself. My emotions/mind sometimes put up resistance, but I could always trust the program and you. You will learn unexpected things. It is okay to rest. There will be plenty of time in your life, in your months and years ahead to challenge yourself physically. Surrender to Leigh’s wisdom and training and trust the process. Keep a log. If you are whining too much, give yourself one more minute to whine and then do the program as written. It will take a lot of…
Starve Mode
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