Tuesday, June 3, 2014

20kLeveling WoW Gold Guide Download

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Don’t worry though, I’ve been exactly where you are now (whether that’s brand new or looking to get gold cap) and I know the techniques you need to learn in order to become a gold making master.

I just wanted to send a quick thanks to you for your awesome guide. I have been using it for less than 2 weeks now and I am already seeing gold pour in faster than ever. I don’t consider myself a newbie by any means and I’m pretty good at making gold, but your guide has really put me on another level. Your guide has shown me things about the game that were brand new to me and I’ve been playing since vanilla. I thought before that making ten thousand gold an hour was fast. I can make that in ten minutes now!

Move forward in the guide as you get comfortable with each step and you’ll be looking at earning tens of thousands of gold on a weekly basis faster than you’d ever thought possible.

You will be blown away by how frequently I update this guide. Due to the fact that I am an expert player who needs to maintain several podcasts, a blog, various social media sites, this guide and even a forum you’ll find that no one else can compare the amount of knowledge I constantly equip myself with in World of Warcraft.

Other guides may bolster get rich quick schemes or common farming spots but you’ll find neither in this guide. Instead, you’ll find what works thanks to thousands of hours of me finding out what doesn’t so you don’t have to.

Well Marco, I’m 16 and I didn’t understand this game much with auction house and making money, it confused me..

That was great! Thank you for actually caring for your subscribers and for answering my emails even before I bought the guide.

Every day was a struggle to pay for repair bills and farming was a chore required to do the things I love in this game.

There’s a way to make gold and never stop making it and you’re only one click away from learning my secrets! And if you automate this process you will never stop making insane amounts of gold!

What I’m going to share with you will enable you to play this game the way you, me, and everyone else loves to play it: Care free and with gold coming out our ears!

You’ll not only make 200k gold leveling, you’ll then make unlimited amounts of gold each week that you are level 85. How’s 70,000 gold per week with any profession sound? That’s just the tip of the iceberg!

Instead, I walk you step by step through making gold in this game with rock solid, fundamental strategies which will allow you to easily make 4000-8000 gold every day while you level.

In fact, when the next expansion rolls around, you won’t need to buy another WoW gold guide. Yes there will be new items and gear, but the guides I teach you are timeless and that’s what makes them so successful with players of all skill levels.

Taught via a presentation that is so well thought out: slow and steady (text, pictures, voice). Follow a sub topic … try what you have learned … now return to sub topic and learn even more.

Most players have trouble building a daily routine for themselves and sticking to it, so I’ll take you into the world of add-ons and hold your hand through setting up, understanding and employing add-on strategies for developing your first daily routine.

This routine takes just 15 minutes a day, you should do it twice a day and it will net you easily 25-40k gold per week at max level and 8-10k gold per week while leveling as a bare minimum.

You’ll walk into this chapter a noob and come out ready to become a pro. Don’t think you can skip this chapter just because you’ve been playing the game a few years either!

You’ll learn what I consider the basics, and odds are a few pointers in this chapter will be valuable even to the more experienced players.

If you are having problems obtaining enough gold for your character have no fear, I’ll show you how to make enough gold to support ten characters on your way to 85 and it will expand upon the ideas discussed in…

20kLeveling WoW Gold Guide

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