Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Bunny Secrets Pet Rabbit Care Download

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When you first adopted your bunny or rabbit… Did you foresee the pet to be a bundle of joy for the entire family?

Did you picture yourself spending quality time with the rabbit, or chasing it all around the house trying to clean up after it?

I’m amused. Despite spending roughly 68% of the time with our pets, most rabbit owners have absolutely no idea how to make their rabbits truly happy and healthy.

Instead, much of this time is spent on frustrating activity, such as dealing with an attitude bunny, cleaning up their dropped poop, or stopping them from chewing expensive upholstery.

Let’s face it. Rabbit ownership is not as easy as it looks, especially when you’re a first time owner. There are so many nitty-gritty details to take care of that can make you feel overwhelmed.

But if you want to take the right shortcuts and learn how to care for your rabbit just like a Mother-Bun with years of experience, I sincerely urge you to spend the next few minutes reading through the rest of this page very carefully…

Do you know what it takes to make your rabbit feel over the top, content and like a million dollars?

Mind you, I’m not just talking about the warm, fuzzy feeling your rabbit gets when you give it the occasional pet on-the-head, or how it nuzzles when you stroke it gently in your lap.

I’m talking about fully understanding your rabbit’s every little quirk, and giving it a 5 Diamond treatment, just as what you would expect from a top end, luxury hotel.

Now here’s the problem – Most people think that giving their rabbits the best care to be terribly expensive and time-consuming. They think it is not worth the effort to spend so much time on their rabbits – which is sad and completely false.

Rabbits are quite independent and easy to care for. They are not high maintenance pets – however short focused intervals of love are best for bunnies

That for just pennies on the dollar, you can create a happy home for your rabbit. (No need to break the bank and spend hundreds of dollars at a pet store)

Trust me, if you know how to read your pet bunny like a book and respond to its needs, you will never be puzzled or frustrated about problematic bun-behavior ever again!

I wish I had someone to tell me all this when I first started out. It took me years of continuous learning and talking to several experienced rabbit owners before I could feel confident with all my decisions for my little bunnies on my own.

Now close to a decade later (I’m getting old), I’m happy to share all that I know with you. There are even little tricks and things you can do immediately with no need to go out and buy anything.

Don’t believe me? I’ll even give you a complete bunny rabbit health kit as a free bonus!

“I have owned rabbits for years and thought I knew a lot about them, but you proved me dead wrong!

Thanks to you I’m now building a proper bunny sanctuary at home, something which I put off for YEARS because no one could tell me the right way to do it.

Elizabeth, I don’t know how you manage to do it but you have thoroughly impressed an old timer like me. Your advice has my highest recommendations.”

The smart guide to choosing a bunny for you! – Knowing this can help you make an informed decision that will save you much time and effort

What you should know about buying a rabbit from a breeder, or pet store, and where I recommend is the best and worst places you can ever search for one (70% of new or returning bunny owners make this mistake which they regret later!)

What questions to ask, and what to look out for to guarantee that the rabbits you adopt are healthy, and trouble free (if you fail to make note of these, you can actually set yourself up for a world of trouble)

Elizabeth, I still need some convincing… I would like to get my Free Bunny Rabbit Health Kit right now!

How to build a special bond of trust, and comfort with your pet bunny, which is crucial because without that bond, you will never be able to develop a true relationship with your rabbit

Why rabbits are actually very intelligent animals, and how to get your pet rabbit to perform tricks – tricks are not just for kids anymore!

How the grunts and other sounds that your rabbit makes actually reflect its mood and intention at that exact moment

The entire rabbit body language deciphered – Learn what it means when your bunny flattens her ears, shuts her eyes, walk close to the ground or moves her tail around (this information is worth gold to rabbit owners)

Elizabeth, I still need some convincing… I would like to get my Free Bunny Rabbit Health Kit right now!

What you should definitely do to ensure that the life of your rabbit isn’t endangered, plus the top traps that will injure rabbits

Complete steps right down to the letter that you should take to introduce your bunny to other pets in the house, especially if you have a dog and why it works

Typical problematic behavior of rabbits and how to deal with them – What to do if your rabbit starts chewing electric wires or when your rabbit start spraying in the house (This one section alone can save hours of your time and lots of damaged furniture)

Elizabeth, I still need some convincing… I would like to get my Free Bunny Rabbit Health Kit right now!

Reasons why your rabbit is finicky and won’t eat whatever is placed in front of them, plus how to use creativity to get your rabbit…

Bunny Secrets Pet Rabbit Care

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