Monday, June 2, 2014

eBook - The Pet Loss Spiritual Guide : The Pet Loss Spiritual Guide Download

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To: All pet lovers whose best animal friend means the world to them, who grieve their loss and who continue to want only the best for them From: BJ Burman healer, advisor, advocate

If you seek a path through the pain and the grief of pet loss, if you feel there must be more than this life for both you and your pet, if you feel your pet is worth that extra special care as they journey beyond this life, OR, if you simply long for answers, meaning, guidance through this difficult time

Hi, my name is BJ and as painful or as hopeless as things may seem right now, there is a healing way, a path beyond grief where the dying and death of the pet you love so much can be a beautiful and transformative experience for you both.

I love my animals. I love them with all my heart and soul. And I know you love yours in exactly the same way. Each of us know, on an intellectual level, that the animals we love will die, as must we all. But this knowledge does not necessarily ease the pain. Anyone who has lost their beloved animal friend knows this only too well.

When I lost my first and much-loved pussycat, Licky (I named her ‘Licky’ because when she was a kitten she would lick everything, and I mean everything! My face, my feet…the furniture! She was beautiful J) I was very young, around 7 years old. I suppose my mother was trying to protect me when she shielded me from the fact that Licky was sick. And one day, my beautiful little pussycat was gone. I was told she had gone to a better place to live and that she was happy.

…What? As an adult, I see what my mother was trying to do, but it left me with such a void, such a hole in my heart, and a deep, deep sadness and feeling of loss that made my young heart so much heavier than it needed to be.

You see, even though I was a child, deep down inside I knew something very important had happened, and that I was not able to say good-bye, and it broke my heart. I was left with questions, and so many tears.

We use the word ‘pet’, but I wish there was a better word…Best animal friend? Furbaby? Fur-child? Furry friend? The word ‘pet’ doesn’t really describe the real relationship we humans have with the animals we love. They are our best friend, or they are like a child, or as many people I know say, they are simply fully fledged totally equal family members!

They are our comfort in lonely times, our hope in hard times. They bring out a capacity for love and affection that perhaps we didn’t even know we possessed. They teach us about life, and about love.

They have a very real, very important and very deep purpose in our life, which is why the grief that we feel when they die is so profound, and which is also why it is so important to be aware of the spiritual dimension of our relationship with them, in life and in death.

Death, Loss and Grief, Especially When it Comes to Our Pets, are Some of the Least Understood and Least Talked About Parts of our Life

Often we animal-lovers do not feel ‘understood’ in our grief. ‘Well meaning’ friends may even say “It was just an animal, only a pet, time to move on”! Our grief is somehow diminished in importance because the object of our love and loss is animal, not human. So we often don’t know how to cope with this grief, who we can talk to, what we can do, or whether we should be feeling this way at all!

Psychologist Dr Wallace Sife, who specializes in the area of pet loss, says that when it comes to grieving the death of a pet, the emotions are the same as grieving the loss or death of a person that we love:

‘For the most part, the stages are similar: you deal with shock and denial, anger and distancing, guilt, depression. But the final stage is not closure, it is resolution. You grieve and want to move forward in a way that memorializes them.’ (Dr Wallace Sife)

From my encounters with many other pet lovers who have loved and lost…

eBook - The Pet Loss Spiritual Guide : The Pet Loss Spiritual Guide

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