Monday, June 2, 2014

Guest Post Secrets--How to Guest Post and Drive Traffic to Your Blog Download

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Attention: For the blogger who would like to break out of the "D-List" for good…open doors to thousands of new visitors, fans, and customers…and perhaps even hit the "A-List" once and for all–

Or imagine getting hundreds of personal thank-you emails from people who say "Your blog changed my life…I owe you a huge debt of gratitude!"

Or even write a single blog post that will net you over 700 new members of your own personal fan club!

These are only three of the "sneaky secrets"–completely unknown to 99% of bloggers–and now yours!

That magical feeling when you write a really great post…it’s great, isn’t it? This is the post that will get you recognized by all those top bloggers, and you just know it. You hit the Publish button and anxiously await the flood of comments, visitors, and massive traffic.

You are definitely being proactive. You’re out there busting your butt, writing great stuff, making your blog look appealing, and emailing top bloggers about your posts.

Your perfect blog post is sitting there in all its glory…getting basically no traffic, no visitors, and no comments. You check your blog to make sure it’s not broken. It’s up. There just isn’t anyone listening.

Sometimes you probably think that there is some sort of secret blogger’s cabal that just doesn’t include you. You wonder how all those other bloggers did it. After all, their writing isn’t always better than yours. They write some ridiculous posts and seem to have this fan club that just follows them wherever they go.

It’s enough to make you want to give up, isn’t it? To just quit blogging. But if you’re anything like me…you love blogging, and you really want to make this work.

I know how frustrated you feel because I was just where you were when I set up my blog. A handful of subscribers—most of whom knew me personally. Writing great content that no one read. And emailing other bloggers, over and over again, to no avail. No responses to my emails. No responses to my posts.

After months of trial and error, I got noticed by one of the top blogs in my niche. (His blog has over 80,000 subscribers.)

Within 24 hours, that blogger—who never linked to my posts previously—sent me the following email:

I’ll be putting this up tomorrow. Thank you. You have an open invitation to write for my blog any time. (And are one of just a few people who have such an invite.)”

Once my post was posted on his blog, my world changed overnight. An avalanche of over 4,000 people visited my blog…in just two days! I gained over 300 new subscribers. My blog came alive with a huge pile of traffic, comments, links, and mentions on other blogs.

And now, to save you months of the same frustration…I’m taking you by the hand and showing you the exact system I used.

This is an actual graph pulled from my web statistics program, showing the results you will get when you apply the step-by-step traffic formula in Guest Post Secrets.

You can get this massive traffic spike, too…and guess what…you don’t have to change a thing about your blog!

Your content isn’t the problem. You are probably writing great content. You just don’t have the attention of top bloggers, and until you get that, you’re not going to get anywhere with your blog. It’s going to sit there and languish in obscurity until you give up.

Don’t give up when success is so close. And don’t go through the months of trial and error that it will take you when you don’t have a step-by-step system to guide you.

Inside Guest Post Secrets, you will learn how to drive thousands of new visitors to your blog or website…

There is a step-by-step system to getting the biggest bloggers on the Internet to send you huge waves of traffic absolutely free. It’s a “secret code” that all the top bloggers speak but that most of us don’t have any clue about.

When I discovered this “secret code”, my blog started to grow by leaps and bounds. I went from 70 subscribers in December 2007 to over 7,000 subscribers in December 2009. My blog is now gaining hundreds of new subscribers a month…even if I don’t write any new content!

Better yet, I have developed relationships with many of the top "A-list" bloggers. I’ve developed products with them (earning me thousands of dollars in income), and many A-listers recognize me and consider me a friend.

If you have no idea what you’re doing (like I did when I first started), you’re going to get rejection after rejection from top bloggers…or no response at all! This is really discouraging and frustrating. Following the step-by-step system in Guest Post Secrets ensures that you get published and that you get the traffic, visibility, and recognition you deserve.

I’ve reaped huge traffic spikes from some of the top blogs online, including Get Rich Slowly and I Will Teach You To Be Rich. Following these guest posts, I’ve also done interviews and been featured on many other sites that have driven thousands of visitors with little effort on my part! I’ve been interviewed for Consumerism Commentary’s podcast, Get Rich Slowly’s podcast, and I’ve even been featured in U.S. News & World Report.

You don’t have to be an expert at anything to use this system. Once you’re inside, I will show you a guest post that anyone who has ever bought a gift for someone else can write. Also—can you read a book? I’ll show you a guest post that is a simple rehash…

Guest Post Secrets--How to Guest Post and Drive Traffic to Your Blog

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