Who Else Wants To Learn The Secrets To Always Keeping Your Figures In Proportion… Creating Dynamic Poses… And Make Your Figure Look Realistic?
If you can relate to any of these questions, then you’ve come to the right place because I’ve got the exact answer you’ve been looking for.
In this short letter, I’m going to reveal to you the hidden reason why you (and so many other artists) struggles with figure drawing and, more importantly, what you can do about it.
My name is Ethan and I’m the founder of MyDrawingTutorials.com, the go-to website for artists who wants to learn how to draw and paint.
And if you are a beginner or intermediate artist whose currently struggling with figure drawing… I want you to know… YOU SHOULDN’T FEEL BAD.
I get emails from subscribers everyday asking me to help them with their figure drawing and it occurred to me that this is a HUGE sticking point for many people.
So I decided to set out and find out WHY so many artist are having problem with mastering figure drawing and WHAT we can do about it.
I interviewed dozens of figure drawing experts… from art teachers to professional artists… and asked them…
They all had their own take on the question, but there seemed to be a recurring patten among all their answers.
They all seemed to agree that the biggest mistake that artists make when learning how to draw the human figure is to skip over the fundamental skills.
In other words, they never learned a handful to critical skills that are absolutely essential to being successful.
In fact, the experts believed that this one mistake is the very reason why so many beginners are struggling with figure drawing.
Well, we’ll get to that in a minute. But before we do, I want to tell you the story of my co-instructor Michael and his journey in learning figure drawing.
This will help drive the point home and give you a big insight into what YOU need to do to be successful.
See, Michael is a very successful professional artist and teacher now. But when he was first starting out, he was just a regular person like you and me.
He knew that figure drawing is an essential skill to have and to become a great artist, he would have to master it.
So eager to get started, he decided to skip over learning the fundamentals and just start drawing on his own.
He would find reference photos from magazines and comic books and start try to copy them as best he can.
His drawings was very crude at first and he would run into difficulties, but he would simply push through them with more practice.
It took him a long time, but eventually he started to see improvements in his drawings. Soon, his drawings were starting to look pretty good.
Until finally, he had to admit the truth… that by skipping over the fundamental skills (the ones that he THOUGHT was unimportant), Michael had hurt himself in the long run.
It’s like building a house. Unless you spent time in the beginning building a solid foundation, you’ll never be able to progress very far.
So Michael had to go back and start all over again. He had to re-learn all the things that he’d skipped over before.
Except this time it was actually even harder than if he was just starting from scratch. That’s because he had to un-learn all the bad habits that he’d picked up.
Now the lesson that you can draw from Michael’s story is that to master figure drawing, you need to take a structured approach to learning it.
Many beginners try to learn figure drawing in a very unstructured and unorganized way. Much the same way Michael did at first.
This cause them to struggle and bounce around a lot without much progress. Many often gives up out of frustration.
But what they don’t know, is that there’s actually a very specific way to learn figure drawing. There is a well-defined formula that lays out all the important things you need to learn and the order in which you need to learn them.
And after consulting the many figure drawing experts, I’ve concluded that the Formula consisted of these key skills:
Not surprisingly, proportion is one of the most important skill to develop. Until you really understand how to draw human proportion, you drawings will never look right.
If you have a hard time keeping your figures in proportion, then you are missing this important skill set.
And it’s extremely important in figure drawing because as soon as you want to draw a figure in any other position than the standard front view, you need to understand how perspective will change that way that figure look. Otherwise, your drawings will never look realistic.
Learning perspective will allow you to draw the figures from many different angles and create dynamic poses.
The manikin is an important step in our figure drawing success formula because it’s the transitional piece between a stick figure and a fully fleshed out human figure.
This will make it much easier for you to…
Secrets of Figure Drawing Course Letter (2 - TWO) - My Drawing Tutorials - Portrait Drawing - Figure Drawing
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