I need to be completely upfront with you here. What you’re about to read about is definitely not for everyone. (In fact, there’s a lot of guitarists who won’t need to learn about what’s on this page)…
If you feel that you fall into one of the above categories, then I invite you to invest a few minutes reading this page carefully. It could help you a lot…
Your hand often gets tired or sore when trying to do long licks and runs that use hammer-ons and pull-offs. Many times, guitarists who have this problem have something fundamentally wrong with their technique. And unless they correct their technical faults, they will continue to have this problem. Not to mention the fact that having a faulty hammer-on or pull-off technique can make injuries much more likely.
You consistently hit speed plateaus and don’t know how to break through them. Although we all hit plateaus at times, it can be very frustrating not knowing what you need to do to overcome the plateau. Many guitarists just keep on practicing hoping that they get better, rather than using specific strategies to overcome those plateaus. And this causes their progress to be much slower than it needs to be.
You don’t have a step-by-step legato development plan to follow that you KNOW will work. Most books, websites and DVD’s give you lots of hammer-on and pull-off exercises to practice, but virtually no advice on HOW to practice those exercises. This lack of detailed instructions can definitely make it hard for you to progress quickly.
You have certain finger combinations that are much weaker than others. Many guitarists find that they can do hammer-ons and pull-offs easily with some fingers, but find it really challenging when using other fingers. For Example: A lot of guitar players find that using fingers 3 and 4 MUCH harder than other finger combinations.
You are excessively tense when doing hammer-ons and pull-offs. This can be an immensely frustrating problem to overcome. Guitarists who don’t know how to play hammer-ons and pull-offs in a relaxed and effortless way, often find it hard to reach their speed goals in an efficient way.
You find pull-offs much harder to do than hammer-ons. Many guitar players find that doing pull-offs are much more challenging than doing hammer-ons. This means that they tend to avoid learning new musical ideas that use a lot of pull-offs. And this severely limits their soloing fluidity and creativity.
You’re unsure of exactly what you need to practice to reach your potential. There are so many hammer-on and pull-off exercises out there, it’s often hard to know which ones are the most important ones to practice. (It can also be tough when you don’t know what specific order the exercises should be practiced, in order to progress at your fastest possible rate).
If you can relate to any of the above problems, then hopefully you realize that you are certainly not alone. I’ve noticed from all my years of professionally teaching guitar, that a LOT of guitarists have these exact same problems…
And that’s one of the reasons why I’ve created The Guitar Legato Fast Start System…
The Guitar Legato Fast Start System is an intensive 12-month online course aimed at electric guitarists serious about improving their hammer-on and pull-off technique.
If you are new to legato technique (or just plain frustrated with it), and would like to maximize your progress, then it may be for you. (More on this later)…
What I’ve done with this online course is to reveal some valuable information and practice strategies that will…
It’s not my intention to "hard-sell" you here. I know that The Guitar Legato Fast Start System will really help a lot of guitar players. But I also know…it most definitely won’t be for everyone. (There’s not a single guitar course out there that is perfect for everyone).
Instead, I’ll just give you some detail about what you’ll get when you join. That way you can make an informed decision whether or not it’s for you. Fair enough?
You’ll learn about the four different types of hammer-ons. By being aware of all the types of hammer-ons, you’ll be able to locate and get rid of specific weaknesses in your hammer-on technique. This will allow you to develop a well-rounded and effortless hammer-on technique.
You’ll discover the four hammer-on exercises that guitarists often neglect. Although these four exercises are very simple to understand and learn, many guitar players don’t practice them. By practicing these exercises you’ll be able to build a foundation of technique that will help you easily learn more advanced hammer-on ideas.
You’ll learn Hammer-On Study One. This is a technical study that I composed specially for this course. It will help you to improve your hammer-on timing, strength and endurance. It will also help you to get a much better coordination between your picking and fretting hands. (This is a great skill to develop if you want to master playing guitar licks that mix picking and legato).
You’ll get specific instructions on how to practice Hammer-On Study 1. Because I want to leave nothing to chance, I have created VERY specific instructions on how to practice the study for maximum results. I have even created two videos that show me actually practicing the study. This means that you won’t waste time with trial-and-error…you’ll know exactly how to practice in an effective way.
In this module we continue looking at hammer-ons. We’ll be taking a look at the most common and important type of hammer-on…
You’ll learn about the six finger combinations that you need to practice. Many guitarists practice their hammer-ons in a very disorganized and unsystematic way. (And this causes their progress to be MUCH…
Guitar Legato Fast Start - Master Hammer-Ons and Pull-Offs
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